Richard A StephansPre Startup Safety Review Checklist

PRESTARTUP SAFETY REVIEW. PRESTARTUP SAFETY REVIEW FORM. FACILITY: DATE: SECTION 1: PROJECT DESCRIPTION- To be completed by Project Engineer or Plant. Process: New Facility ( ) Modification(. ) PROJECT DESCRIPTION. SECTION 2: CHECKLIST -To be completed. Pre-startup safety reviews are required for all new facilities. Of a safety review checklist. The Pre -Startup Safety Review Verification Form provides a sign. For more information email us at or call (713) 355-2900. PRE-STARTUP SAFETY REVIEW. Completion of. Pre-Startup Items. Get Approval for Startup. Completion of. Post-Startup Items. Management (MOC).

The employer shall perform a pre-startup safety review for new facilities and for modified facilities when the modification is significant enough to require a change in the process safety information. The pre-startup safety review shall confirm that prior to the introduction of highly hazardous chemicals to a process: (i) Construction and equipment is in accordance with design specifications; (ii) Safety, operating, maintenance, and emergency procedures are in place and are adequate; (iii) For new facilities, a process hazard analysis has been performed and recommendations have been resolved or implemented before startup; and modified facilities meet the requirements contained in management of change, paragraph (l) [ of this regulation ]. Table 2 OSHA PSM Guidance.

For new processes, the employer will find a PHA helpful in improving the design and construction of the process from a reliability and quality point of view. The safe operation of the new process will be enhanced by making use of the PHA recommendations before final installations are completed. P&IDs are to be completed along with having the operating procedures in place and the operating staff trained to run the process before startup. The initial startup procedures and normal operating procedures need to be fully evaluated as part of the pre-startup review to assure a safe transfer into the normal operating mode for meeting the process parameters.

For existing processes that have been shutdown for turnaround, or modification, etc., the employer must assure that any changes other than “replacement in kind” made to the process during shutdown go through the management of change procedures. P&IDs will need to be updated as necessary, as well as operating procedures and instructions. If the changes made to the process during shutdown are significant and impact the training program, then operating personnel as well as employees engaged in routine and nonroutine work in the process area may need some refresher or additional training in light of the changes. Any incident investigation recommendations, compliance audits or PHA recommendations need to be reviewed as well to see what impacts they may have on the process before beginning the startup.

Discussion of the Regulation The first paragraph of the regulation states that a PSSR is needed whenever Process Safety Information (PSI) is changed. In effect, this requirement is such that virtually all changes will have to be reviewed in a PSSR. There are very few changes that do not require some information changes to do with topics such as safe limits, engineering drawings and equipment lists. (i) Construction and Equipment Paragraph (i) of the standard requires that construction and equipment is in accordance with design specifications. Convert Dmg To Iso Virtualbox Mac. PSSR team members can carry out spot-checks of the installed piping and equipment, and compare it with the piping lists and equipment data sheets. (ii) Procedures Paragraph (ii) requires that the facility’s procedures reflect the manner in which the facility is to be operated after the process changes have been made. The PSSR should check that safety, operating and emergency procedures for the new operation have been written down, and that they accurately describe what has to done.

This paragraph does not mention training, but it can be assumed that operators and maintenance workers must be trained in the use of the new procedures. (iii) New / Modified Facilities The regulation requires that new facilities conduct a process hazards analysis (PHA). The PSSR team should check that the PHA was in fact carried out, and that its recommendations were either resolved or implemented. Buku Persamaan Ic Dan Transistor Definition. During the pressure of construction, there is sometimes a tendency to postpone some of the PHA recommendations until ‘there is sufficient time’. The PSSR should check that the recommendations have, in fact, been closed out properly. Additional information to do with the topic of hazards analysis is provided in the ebook Process Risk Management, details of which can be found.