Designed & storyboarded by Geoff German at Sibley Peteet Design/Dallas, this introduction sets the scene for a two DVD interactive board game pulling questions from all six films in the franchise. The camera assumes the POV of a spacecraft which flies across a space station-like wheel that mirrors the game board of the game. The Trivial Pursuit categories are introduced and subsequently a countdown ensues flashing through a chronology of events from the six movies and culminating in the destruction of the second Death Star. Paul Jolly, of Jollymade, animated the sequence using Lightwave 3D. Star Wars footage is trademark of Lucasfilm Ltd. And Trivial Pursuit is property of Hasbro Games & Horn Abbott.

Designed & storyboarded by Geoff German at Sibley Peteet Design/Dallas, this introduction sets the scene for. Java Old Version Removal Tool there. Circuit Maker Software For Windows 7.

Sound Design by James Neel and Sound Mixing by Dallas Audio Post.

Star Wars Trivial Pursuit Categories

I was about to turn 6 years old when my sister Liz took me to the movie theater to go see a little movie called Star Wars in 1977. From the moment that mammoth sized Star Destroyer passed overhead firing turbolasers at a fleeing Corellian Corvette I was absolutely hooked. I was one of George Lucas' primary target audiences, young kids (especially boys) who swallowed his massive space epic whole and wanted to live it. Over the years I have watched the original trilogy so much that there comes a point where I can almost recite, verbatim, the exact dialogue from almost any part of the original trilogy.

If one plays a 5 second segment of John Williams' awesome musical score it's a pretty good bet I can tell you not only which movie that music was featured in but specifically what portion of the movie it was happening. Yes.I am one of them. A major Star Wars geek with years of Jedi-like knowledge under my belt. This may also be one of the primary reasons it took me so long to find a woman willing to marry me. But I digress. In 1998, on the cusp of the release of Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, Parker Brothers released an original trilogy Trivial Pursuit edition, specifically aimed at super-dorks like me who enjoyed this sprawling sci-fi space opera. I couldn't find a date but I could tell you all about the various weapons systems on an AT-AT, how many rivets were used in the construction of Princess Leia's armored bikini, and what Porkins probably ate for dinner before his final battle (I'm thinking whole hog pit-cooked barbecue).

Star Wars Trivial Pursuit Game