Linux Serial Port Communication

I'm having trouble finding the serial port being used by my arduino. The wiki suggests /dev/USB* or /dev/ACM*, but I see none of those. I'm also not sure what I would use to check everything.log. EDIT: A reboot showed the port after the command dmesg. Logout did not seem to be sufficient. Changing permissions on serial port. Linux Mint 17.1. – user1063287 Jan 9 '15 at 12:11. 1 @user1063287 Try sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0 –.

I am trying to communicate with a micro controller trough a serial port under Linux.

I have a device which contains a USB serial port (ftdi FT232). 2nd Puc Textbooks Karnataka Pdf File on this page. Ubuntu sees this and presents it as /dev/ttyUSB0. I can access this through Linux programs (Ubuntu Karmic 64 bit). I need to access this from a number of existing Win32 programs running under Wine ( from the repository). These see the hardware COM1 and COM2 ports but I havn't found a way yet of connecting to the USB port. Is there a ay to do this (even at the expense of re-assigning the COM1 or COM2 ports - /dev/ttyS0 etc)?

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