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I remember them. One of the Bay area punk/funk bands of the early '90's, a-la Primus, but with more of a low-brow, partying, frat-boy feel. Listening to Stinky Grooves a decade down the road, I've got to say that there ain't a bad cut on the whole album. 'Butt Funkin' & 'Shake It' are favs, and the bits. Download Lagu Gratis Kerispatih Cinta Putih. Missing.

With the Red Hot Chili Peppers' ascension in the 1980s, it became downright fashionable in 'alternative rock' circles to combine rock and funk. One of the better funk-rock releases of the early '90s was the Limbomaniacs' Stinky Grooves -- an inspired fusion of P-Funk, Washington D.C.-style go-go, rap and hard rock/heavy metal. Drawing on influences ranging from Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix to Parliament/Funkadelic to Trouble Funk to Public Enemy and Run-D.M.C., the sweaty, intense band is much more individualistic and recognizable than many of its peers.

Though the Limbomaniacs sometimes employ sampling, they do so sparingly and are far more reliant on 'real instruments' than technology. Bootsy Collins and Maceo Parker appears as distingushed guests on Stinky Grooves, a CD that should have enjoyed much recognition, but sadly, was all but ignored. ~ Alex Henderson.

With the Red Hot Chili Peppers' ascension in the 1980s, it became downright fashionable in 'alternative rock' circles to combine rock and funk. One of the better funk-rock releases of the early '90s was the Limbomaniacs' Stinky Grooves -- an inspired fusion of P-Funk, Washington D.C.-style go-go, rap and hard rock/heavy metal. Drawing on influences ranging from Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix to Parliament/Funkadelic to Trouble Funk to Public Enemy and Run-D.M.C. Torrent Model Railroader Forums on this page. , the sweaty, intense band is much more individualistic and recognizable than many of its peers. Though the Limbomaniacs sometimes employ sampling, they do so sparingly and are far more reliant on 'real instruments' than technology. Bootsy Collins and Maceo Parker appears as distingushed guests on Stinky Grooves, a CD that should have enjoyed much recognition, but sadly, was all but ignored. ~ Alex Henderson.