IV Thomas Morley was a IV Thomas Morley was a favorite of Queen Elizabeth and contemporary of William Shakespeare, whom he likely knew. Eos Count Software Engineer. The text of Nolo Mortem Peccatoris is taken from a twenty-three-verse poem attributed to John Redford, a composer and organist at St. Paul’s Cathedral.

The “macaronic” text incorporates both Latin and English; the Latin refrain is taken from Ezekiel 33:11. A “cross relation,” in this case a simultaneous sounding of both a D-sharp and a D-natural, at the text “painful smart,” is especially poignant. Few of the great cellist Pablo Casals’ compositions were published during his lifetime. Boxtv Sports Player 5.0 more. He composed O Vos Omnes in 1932, when his beloved Spain was in political turmoil, and dedicated it to the Benedictine monks of Monserrat, reworking it in 1965 for mixed voices. The prophet Jeremiah’s lament over the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians must have resonated with Casals, who left Spain in 1936, vowing not to return until democracy was restored.

Knut Nystedt O Crux Pdf FilesKnut Nystedt O Crux Pdf File

The elder statesman of contemporary Norwegian music, Knut Nystedt has been a church organist and professor of choral conducting at the University of Oslo. In O Crux, Christ’s suffering on the cross is represented by searing and unrelenting dissonance, relieved only at the joyous conclusion. Nolo Mortem Peccatoris ATTR.

Knut Nystedt: O crux; John Pamintuan. Download PDF (10.8 MB). Ebook download as PDF File. Free Download Software Frontier 4.1. O Crux Hinshaw Music Inc. SPECIAL COPIES MADE BY EDITOR.

THOMAS MORLEY (1557/8-1602) Nolo mortem peccatoris; ‘I do not wish the death of a sinner’: Haec sunt verba Salvatoris. These are the words of the Saviour. Father, I am thine only Son, Sent down from heav’n mankind to save. � � ������������������������������������� According to thy will, I have. Father, my will now all is this: Nolo mortem peccatoris. Father, behold my painful smart, Taken for man on ev’ry side; Ev’n from my birth to death most tart, No kind of pain I have denied, But suffer’d all and all for this: Nolo mortem peccatoris.

John Redford (d.1547) O Vos Omnes PABLO CASALS (1876-1973) O vos omnes O all you qui transitis per viam: who pass along this way, attendite et videte behold and see si est dolor if there is any sorrow sicut dolor meus. Like unto my sorrow. — Lamentations 1:12 O Crux KNUT NYSTEDT (b.1915) O crux splendidior cunctis astris, O Cross, more radiant than the stars, mundo celebris, Celebrated throughout the earth, hominibus multum amabilis Beloved of the people. Sanctior universis. Holier than all things, Quae sola fuisti digna. Which alone was found worthy portare talentum mundi to bear the light of the world.