This time I decided to not make the tutorial from several parts once again, mostly because of the technical problems I was talking about earlier. Software Tanaka T22 Bomberman Yang Tandberg. That's also why the ending is somewhat weirdly cut off. The odd thing is that when I record anything using FFmpeg, it makes the audio and video streams desynced from the get-go, but by a set amount of time. In order to get good synchronisation as shown in this video, I had to open the streams in Kdenlive, then use a bit of trial and error. Turns out that the video stream and the microphone audio stream were 9 seconds late compared to the game audio stream. But the first two streams were perfectly synced together, for some odd reason. Fixing that wasn't difficult, but as you can see, shifting the streams resulted in the end being cut off (it wasn't even recorded for some reason). Playstore For Bada Software.

Heroes Chronicles Revolt Of The Beastmasters Walkthrough

But hey, I think it's a small price to pay for a perfectly synced video, wouldn't you agree? Topio Stin Omichli Rapidshare. Oh, and the whole syncing method is kind of odd, as SoX that I use to mux the audio streams seems to do some synchronisation of its own. And combined with a bit of manual synchronisation it works fine. But it's confusing to say the least! Also, I switched from the MPEG4 encoder, which was giving me quite a bit of frame drop, to the x264 encoder, which even gives better quality as well as better encoding speed with very few dropped frames. Though it does seem that YouTube doesn't like it all that much, and I should re-encode things using WebM manually to get better quality. Just that libvpx is horribly slow when using good quality: And hooray for getting back to recording on Linux!:D --- The playlist of this playthrough can be found here: Heroes Chronicles: Revolt of the Beastmasters (also known as Heroes Chronicles VII) is a turn-based strategy game based on Heroes of Might and Magic III engine.