Soft drinks and cigarettes are some of the examples on which intensive distribution is followed. Description: Under the intensive distribution strategy, all the possible outlets can be used by a company to distribute the product. It creates brand awareness of the product as well as boost sales. This method is particularly useful.

Intensive Distribution Companies

Download Titans V2 more. This sales technique has been, and still is, used in particular for luxury goods, as well as products with high technicality such as high-end cars or hi-fi sound systems. Selective distribution is a useful tool at the disposal of the supplier since it can refuse to sell to those dealers that do not comply with the set criteria. This system is therefore interesting since it allows the supplier of products to organise its distribution according to its wishes and strategy.

Selective distribution of luxury products Luxury maisons, always mindful about their image, often use selective distribution to sell their products. It is, indeed, the most-used distribution technique for perfumes, cosmetics, leather accessories or even ready-to-wear. This distribution method presents a lot of flexibility, compared to exclusive distribution or franchising, because it allows a supplier to select dealers according to criteria which are mainly qualitative, and to consequently ensure a commercialisation within conditions which befit the prestige of the luxury products. Selective distribution allows to differentiate between luxury products and potentially competing – albeit more “common” – products.

Intensive Distribution Quizlet