Aimsun Scripting Manual Programs And FeaturesAimsun Software

This post has already been read 2234 times! Aimsun MicroAPIs are the programming interface of Aimsun microscopic traffic simulator. These APIs provided 10 predefined call back hooks, together with various other utility functions. MicroAPIs allow advanced users to implement sophisticated external logic, for example, non-standard ramp metering, advanced traffic management strategies, adaptive signal control etc. These are not readily available with standard off-the-shelf Aimsun features, but made possible with Aimsun MicroAPIs. The Aimsun MicroAPIs are very flexible, as its final product is in the format of a Dynamic Link Library (DLL). Cavaleiros Da Tempestade 2 Dublado.

Eliminate cumbersome and error prone manual interfacing between. Python scripting for automating. One of Aimsun’s most outstanding features is its. Noise simulation tools for Aimsun. Contribute to noysim development by creating an account on GitHub. Nov 16, 2007 - Application. Traffic Simulation Models. Cube Dynasim Paramics SimTraffic TransModeler VISSIM. Pretimed Signals. Adjustments have to be made manually which adds to the level of effort for arterial analysis when. Congestion management system (CMS) program. Program Files. Yet Aimsun’s scripting engine has some unique features that make the scripting work not only. In the AIMSUN MicroAPIs manual.

The DLL is loaded by Aimsun host during run time before running a simulation replication, and unloaded after the simulation replication finishes. The supported programming language is C++ and Python.

But a developer with sufficient knowledge of DLL programing can easily port the development in other languages such as Delphi, C#, Java, Fortran, if he or she desires so. One nuance about Aimsun MicroAPIs programming is the granular control level down to a single simulation step.

This is no surprise since Aimsun Micro is a time-discretized space continuous simulator that all the simulation events have to be driven by incrementing simulation steps. However, this might pose some programming challenges or certain pitfalls when multi-threading is involved, or when a TCP/IP based client-server structure is employed. The tricky point is that at the simulation step level, the control of flow is transferred from Aimsun host to MicroAPI DLL, while NOT until the call back finishes, Aimsun host is essentially “blocked”. This could possibly counter-balance any benefits obtained from the multi-threaded code implemented inside the API logic.

Photo Mechanic 5 Serial Number. Overall, Aimsun MicroAPIs include two types of functions: • Predefined DLL Exported Functions (hooks to the Aimsun Host); • Utility Functions provided by the Aimsun Host to retrieve various run time information. The utility functions can be further classified into three categories: • External Control Interface Functions for traffic signal control (ramp metering, intersection signal control etc). These functions are usually prefixed with ECI, for example, ECIChangeParametersFlowAlineaMeteringById; • Aimsun NG Objects Connection Interface Functions for accessing properties of Aimsun internal objects. Goblin Steamatic Pro 4.0 Manual.

These functions are usually prefixed with ANGConn, for example, ANGConnActivatePolicy; • Aimsun Kernel Interface Functions to retrieve other simulation run time information. These functions are usually prefixed with AKI, for example, AKIDetGetDensityAggregatedbyId. Predefined Callbacks As mentioned above, Aimsun MicroAPIs provided 10 predefined call-back functions (hooks). These functions are exported by the MicroAPI DLL, so that the Aimsun host can load the DLL and call these functions at appropriate time during simulation. It is the task of the MicroAPI developers to design the external logic and implement the logic under the framework of these functions properly. In a nutshell, Aimsun host will call back these functions on the following events: • The MicroAPI DLL is loaded or unloaded by the Aimsun host; • The external logic is registered with the Aimsun host; • Before running, or after finishing the simulation; • Before or after a simulation step is executed; • A vehicle enters or exits the transportation network; • Before a route choice calculation is performed. In addition to the 10 predefined call-backs (See Table 1 below) exported by the MicroAPI DLL, there are also many utility functions exported by the Aimsun host.